higher the sound wave the higher the frequencies and the thicker the sound wave the louder the sound
dogs can move to redirect sound waves
Auditory canal:
conducts sound waves
has glands that secrete cerumen
Cerumen functions:
repels water
moisture for epithelium
traps dust, sand, dirt and other debris
antibiotic and antifungal properties
odour discourages insects
cleanses ear canal
Tympanic membrane:
converts sound waves into mechanical waves by vibrating
Ossicles (bones):
transmit and amplify waves, so sound is concentrated on a smaller area
Malleus (hammer)
Incus (anvil)
Stapes (stirrup)
Oval window:
passes vibrations from stapes to inner ear
Eustachian Tube:
from wall of middle ear to nasopharynx
opens when yawning and swallowing:
This equalizes pressure on the ear drum, without this different pressure between outside and middle of ear would cause the tympanic membrane to displace outwards
organs of corti:
convert pressure into nerve impulses
Semi circular canals: Balance
Cristae in Ampulla - side to side
Maculae in Saccule and Utricles - up/down and tilt