Freud's theory of personality suggests that adult behaviour is determined by a mix of innate drives and early experience, resulting in unconscious conflicts over which we have no control
The view that all behaviour can be predicted, according to the action of internal and external forces beyond our control, and so there can be no free will
Concordance rates for MZ twins are often higher than for siblings, despite both sharing 50% of genes, may be due to MZ twins being more likely to share the same environment
Claimed that as long as an individual remains controlled by other people or other things they cannot take responsibility for their own behaviour and therefore cannot change it
The law states that children and those who are mentally ill do not have this responsibility but other than this, there is an assumption that normal adult behaviour is self determined
A person may choose to do something but these choices are determined by previous reinforcement contingencies, as suggested by the behaviourist approach
This suggests that the motor activity preceding movement occurred before the conscious decision was made, and so implies that all behaviour is pre-determined by up to 10 seconds
Robert et al. found that adolescents with an internal locus of control are less likely to develop depression and are more likely to have better mental health, compared to those with an external locus of control