free will vs determinism

Cards (11)

  • biological determinism?

    human behaviour is innate and determined by interval forces such as neurochemistry, neurophysiology, genes
  • genetic determinism?

    genes born with are responsible for behaviour
  • environmental determinism?
    external forces are responsible for behaviour and we learn through conditioning and imitating others
  • psychic determinism?
    behaviour is caused by unconscious forces motives and conflicts
  • Determinism — The belief that behaviour is controlled by external or internal factors acting upon the individual and beyond their control
  • — 100% genetic determinism is unlikely to be found for any behaviour.
    • Studies that compare monozygotic twins have found 80% similarity for intelligence and 40% for depression, suggesting that genes do not entirely determine behaviour and supports an interactionist standpoint.
    • The fact that concordance rates for MZ twins are often higher than for siblings, despite both sharing 50% of genes, may be due to MZ twins being more likely to share the same environment.
  • — A determinist position may be used for people to try and justify behaviours if they have committed a crime. = This would be undesirable as it excuses their behaviour. Therefore, a hard deterministic stance is not in line with the principles of the judicial system, which sees individuals as taking moral responsibility for their actions
  • positive of determinism?
    led to treatment methods for mental disorders, such as depression through the control of serotonin by using SSRIs 
  • advantage of free will
    • high internal validity — Robert et al found people with internal LOC are less likely to develop depression and are more likely to have better mental health.
    • free will can be used to help us determine what controls our life events, and so we make such conscious decisions.
  • Hard determinism
    External (environment) or internal (biological) forces that are out of our control shape our behaviour
  • soft determinism
    behaviour to some extent is constrained by internal and external forces but we can still have free will