An atom is composed of electrons (e-), negatively charged particle, positively charged nucleus at the center, it is subdivided into two subatomic particles or nucleons called neutrons and protons
The mass of N is approx. equal to the mass of Z and e-
The number of e- in a stable atom is proportional to the number of Z
In order for an atom to be stable and electrically neutral, the number of electrons should be proportional to the number of protons inside the nucleus
Atomic shells
Paths where electrons orbit around the nucleus
Atomic shells
K-shell (n=1)
Pauli Exclusion Principle Formula
Dictates the maximum number of e- in n
Atomic mass A
Sum of N and Z in the nucleus
The characteristic of an atom is determined by the number of neutrons and protons it contains
The number of protons inside the nucleus determines the nuclide/element
Determining the radius of a nuclide
Use the formula: R = Ro * A^(1/3)
Actual atomic mass
Gives the accurate mass of the nucleus, which also accounts for the energy that binds the nucleons together
Stable Nuclides are located in the line of stability (Black Squares)
Above and below the line of stability are unstable nuclei which either have more protons (above) or more neutrons (below)
₈₃Bi209 is the upper mass limit to the line of stability. Nuclei beyond this point is most likely unstable and will undergo radioactive decay
Variation of an atom of an element which has the same number of Z; Number of N and A varies
Variation of an atom of an element which has the same number of N; Number of Z and A varies
Variation of an atom of an element which has an identical number of A; Number of Z and N varies
4 forces that govern the universe
Electromagnetic Force
Strong nuclear force
Weak nuclear force
Electromagnetic Force
Keeps the electrons in orbit with the nucleus
Strong nuclear force (nuclear binding force)
Binds the nucleons together preventing them to repel
Weak Nuclear Force
Enables the transformation of protons to neutrons or neutrons to protons
Energy required to completely remove an electron from an atom or its shell
Binding energy is greatest in the inner shell (k-shell) because it is nearer to the nucleus
Binding energy increases as Z increases because the law of attraction is greater with heavier nuclide
Nuclear Binding Energy
Energy required to separate protons and neutrons inside the nucleus
1. Using binding energy formula
2. Solving for actual mass
3. Solving for binding energy
Binding energy
Energy required to hold the nucleus of an atom together
Energy in transit or energy release
Two forms of radiation in nuclear medicine
Particulate radiation
Electromagnetic radiation
Particulate radiation
Consists of atomic or subatomic particles that are traveling and carries energy
Electromagnetic radiation
Energy is carried by oscillating electrical and magnetic field traveling through space
Electromagnetic radiation
Gamma rays
Radio waves
Radioactive decay
Process in which an unstable nuclide transforms into a more stable element by emitting radiation
Radioactive isotopes
Unstable nuclides with too many protons or neutrons in the nucleus
Parent nuclide
The nuclide before undergoing radioactive decay process
Daughter nuclide
The nuclide it transforms into after the decay process
Radioactive decay notation
Represents the process a certain nuclei went through
5 types of radioactive decay
Alpha decay
Beta - decay
Positron or Beta + decay
Electron capture emission
Spontaneous fission
Alpha decay
Emission of two protons and two neutrons (Helium nucleus)