
Cards (126)

  • An atom is composed of electrons (e-), negatively charged particle, positively charged nucleus at the center, it is subdivided into two subatomic particles or nucleons called neutrons and protons
  • The mass of N is approx. equal to the mass of Z and e-
  • The number of e- in a stable atom is proportional to the number of Z
  • In order for an atom to be stable and electrically neutral, the number of electrons should be proportional to the number of protons inside the nucleus
  • Atomic shells
    Paths where electrons orbit around the nucleus
  • Atomic shells
    • K-shell (n=1)
    • L
    • M
    • N
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle Formula

    Dictates the maximum number of e- in n
  • Atomic mass A
    Sum of N and Z in the nucleus
  • The characteristic of an atom is determined by the number of neutrons and protons it contains
  • Nuclide/Element
    The number of protons inside the nucleus determines the nuclide/element
  • Determining the radius of a nuclide

    Use the formula: R = Ro * A^(1/3)
  • Actual atomic mass
    Gives the accurate mass of the nucleus, which also accounts for the energy that binds the nucleons together
  • Stable Nuclides are located in the line of stability (Black Squares)
  • Above and below the line of stability are unstable nuclei which either have more protons (above) or more neutrons (below)
  • ₈₃Bi209 is the upper mass limit to the line of stability. Nuclei beyond this point is most likely unstable and will undergo radioactive decay
  • Isotopes
    Variation of an atom of an element which has the same number of Z; Number of N and A varies
  • Isotones
    Variation of an atom of an element which has the same number of N; Number of Z and A varies
  • Isobars
    Variation of an atom of an element which has an identical number of A; Number of Z and N varies
  • 4 forces that govern the universe
    • Gravity
    • Electromagnetic Force
    • Strong nuclear force
    • Weak nuclear force
  • Electromagnetic Force
    Keeps the electrons in orbit with the nucleus
  • Strong nuclear force (nuclear binding force)

    Binds the nucleons together preventing them to repel
  • Weak Nuclear Force
    Enables the transformation of protons to neutrons or neutrons to protons
  • Electron Binding Energy
    Energy required to completely remove an electron from an atom or its shell
  • Binding energy is greatest in the inner shell (k-shell) because it is nearer to the nucleus
  • Binding energy increases as Z increases because the law of attraction is greater with heavier nuclide
  • Nuclear Binding Energy
    Energy required to separate protons and neutrons inside the nucleus
  • Solution
    1. Using binding energy formula
    2. Solving for actual mass
    3. Solving for binding energy
  • Binding energy

    Energy required to hold the nucleus of an atom together
  • Radiation
    Energy in transit or energy release
  • Two forms of radiation in nuclear medicine
    • Particulate radiation
    • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Particulate radiation
    Consists of atomic or subatomic particles that are traveling and carries energy
  • Electromagnetic radiation

    Energy is carried by oscillating electrical and magnetic field traveling through space
  • Electromagnetic radiation
    • Gamma rays
    • X-rays
    • Radio waves
  • Radioactive decay
    Process in which an unstable nuclide transforms into a more stable element by emitting radiation
  • Radioactive isotopes
    Unstable nuclides with too many protons or neutrons in the nucleus
  • Parent nuclide
    The nuclide before undergoing radioactive decay process
  • Daughter nuclide

    The nuclide it transforms into after the decay process
  • Radioactive decay notation
    Represents the process a certain nuclei went through
  • 5 types of radioactive decay
    • Alpha decay
    • Beta - decay
    • Positron or Beta + decay
    • Electron capture emission
    • Spontaneous fission
  • Alpha decay
    Emission of two protons and two neutrons (Helium nucleus)