Refers to an increase in metabolicrate over the basal level - digestingabsorbing and utilising nutrients, muscularwork or exercise, stress, maintenance of body temp
An animal can survive losing almost all of its glycogen and storage of fat and half its protein. But 10% loss of total body water causes seriousillness.15%loss of total body water causes death
Cannot be directly measured, but energy can be converted to heat. A bomb calorimeter measures the heat of combustion which represents the gross energy of food
If the energy density of a diet is high enough, the limitingfactor becomes the energy. The animal should stop eating once energy requirements have been met
Indigestiblecarbohydrates - composed of plant material - cellulose. Provides bulk to faeces, regulates bowelfunction, therapeutic use in fibre responsive diseases
Found in all livingcells, large number of different proteins in a single organism. Functions include cell walls, membranes, connective tissue, muscles, enzymes, hormones, blood proteins