Cards (4)

    • * evidence from taylor 2010?
      • found that 85% of americans who got married in 2008 married someone of their own ethnic group
      • shows that SD is an accurate filter as we are more likely to be attracted to & marry someone with similar SD to us
      • shows were more attracted to people who do pass through filters in particular SD
      • do filter those who are dissimilar in terms of out demographics to narrown down our FOD to someone we are more attracted to
    • * evidence from kerchoff & davis?
      • conducted longitudinal study of student couples who were together for more/less than 18 months
      • asked to complete several questionnaires over 7 month period - had to report in attitude similarity & personality trait with partner
      • found that attitude similarity was key factor upto 18 months
      • after psychological compatibility & ability to meet each others needs became important
      • shows were more attracted to those who do have similar attitudes & complement our emotional needs
      • suggests filters are important for maintaining attraction in romantic relationship
    • X contradicted by evolutionary?
      • women look for older man with resources & men look for youthful women
      • so SD may not be appropriate filter as we arent attracted to those who are similar age/class.
      • we may not be attracted to people based on filtering them out due to SD
      • instead it may be due to other factors - age/resources that will enhance our reproductive success
    • X lacks temporal validity?
      • as this theory was developed in 1960s many things have changed in todays society
      • now have access to social media & online dating platforms so can people who dont live near us & long distance relationships more common
      • but theory says we filter out those who dont live near us & are attracted to people who live in our area
      • ? temporal
      • in todays society we may not filter out people based on their SD being different so may still find them attractive