Biological approach

Cards (9)

  • What is the neurotransmitter linked to SZ?
  • What do people with SZ have too many of?
    Dopamine receptors
  • What other neurotransmitters may be involved in SZ?
    Glutamate and serotonin
  • What does Snyder say about the dopamine hypothesis?

    Too much dopamine being released at a synapse can lead to the onset of SZ
  • What drug that binds to dopamine receptors has been seen to create SZ?
  • Who found post-mortems on SZs shows an increase in dopamine?
    Seeman (1987)
  • What do family studies show?
    Kendler - the more closely related you are to someone with SZ, the more likely you are to get it
  • What is the concordance rate for MZ twins and DZ twins
    Kendler - 31% concordance rate for MZ twins, 7% concordance rate for DZ twins
    • There must be a biological element but it is not 100% so it is not purely biological
  • What parts of the brain are associated with different symptoms according to Davis?
    Positive symptoms - mesolimbic dopamine system
    Negative symptoms - mesocortical dopamine system