•Serotonin has a calming influence, and lower levels are associated with impulsive and aggressive behaviour.•Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) is an enzyme that breaks down important neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin; low levels of serotonin have been associated with impulsive and aggressive behaviour. MAOA is regulated by the MAOA gene and humans have various forms of the gene, resulting in different levels of activity of the enzyme.•A variant of the MAOA gene (The low MAOA variant – which produces lower levels of monoamine oxidase) is•associated with aggression. The low MAOA variant is much more frequent in populations with a history of warfare.Research has found that those with the low MAOA variant are more likely to grow up and be aggressive, but only if they were maltreated as childrenapplication:•Adam has found out that there is a history of violence in his biological family, not his adoptive family, so this suggests that he might have inherited the low MAOA variant and that this may be responsible for his aggressive behaviour.•It may be that his serotonin levels are lower than normal, so he overreacts to external threats and is unable to control his impulsive and aggressive behaviour leading him to commit violent crimes.•In addition, he was taken into care when he was three years old so may have been maltreated as a child which background, combined with the inherited MAOA gene, has led him to commit violent crimes.