
Cards (23)

  • About 40% of the worlds population today rely on traditional biomass for cooking, and biomass represents more than 60% of the renewable energy consumption in the EU
  • In anaerobic digestion application, pH is a perimeter directly correlated to
  • Anaerobic digestion steps
    1 hydrolysis
    2 acidgenesis
    3 acetogenesis
    3 methanogenesis
  • Among the different gasifier types
    entrained flow gasifier is suitable to produce the largest power
  • Among the different substrate types fat has the highest biogas potential
  • Fixed dome type reactor - used for domestic purposes
    small bottle batch type reactors- used to biomethane potential test
    UASB reactor - used in waste water, treatment application
  • Which two applications broadly categorize Biogas upgrading
    in situ, ex sintu
  • High moisture content biomass- produces low amount of bio fuel
    Low moisture content biomass -produces high amount of bio fuel
    Oven drying moisture test - 150°c
    Ratio between dry and raw biomass - used for calculating moisture content
  • Sugar based feed stock - sorghum
    starch based feedstock - cassava
    lignocellulose based feedstock- logging residues
    lipid-based feed stock - canola
  • Which input air level to a reactor, describes combustion?
    excess Air input
  • The presence of which element can lead to the increase of biomass ash melting temperature
  • Downstream flue gas after combustion can be cleaned by particles using cyclone
  • Compared to gasoline based ethanol, which renewable source-based ethanol reduces more GHG emissions
    cellulosic ethanol
  • Which two producer gas components unnecessary for the fisher-trposh synthesis to bio diesel production
    CO And H2
  • Which following efficiency term is not relevant to the performance of gasification
    syngas efficiency
  • Among the different gas components present in the producer gas the energy content of hydrogen is the largest
  • 100 to 150° - drying
    200 to 500° - pryolysis
    800 to 1200°- combustion
    650 to 900° - reduction
  • Photosynthesis is a process where chlorophyl molecules gain electrons via water splitting caused by Mn
  • What separates the primary wall from the secondary wall in the plant cell?
    The middle lamella
  • The major issues related to hydroelectric projects are environmental concerns caused by damming and large capital investment
  • Microbial fuel cell operation, depends on the type of microbes used
  • exajoule = 10^18 joule
  • Ethanol is a fuel that consist of 35%