Hindu mythology was the time when Rig Veda was composed.
Rig Veda - anthology of 1028 hymns.
Rig Veda - celebration of natural elements (water, air,fire)
VEDIC GODS - Agni, Vayu, and Surya
Agni (Fire) - Vital spark in the earth, lightning in the sky, Surya the sun. She is a sap in the plants. Has 7 tongues and uses it for licking up butter.
Vayu (Wind) - drives horses,
God of Wind, rapid motion, Father of fleet - footed.
Father of Hanuman, associated with Indra.
Other names: Pavana, Gandha-Vaha, Satataga
Surya (Center of theSpheres) - Other names: Savitri (brilliance)
Married to Sanjana and Chhaya
Abode is called Suryaloka
Brahma (Creator)
Born of golden egg and Hiranyagarbha
Have sprung from Vishnu's navel, on a lotus
uncreated creator (Svayambu)
Lord of Scholarship
4 vedas came from his mouth
4 castes of hindu came from his body.
priests - mouth, Kshatriyas
soldiers - arms, Vaishyas
traders - thigh, Sundras
menial workers - feet
Vishnu (Preserver)
The Preserver
Vehicle: garuda (bird)
incarnated nine times (born as animal or human)
Main god of Vaishnavism
Shiva (Destroyer)
The Destroyer/Transformer
Vehicle: Bull
Often worshipped in featureless lingam form
Main god of Saivism
PURANIC GODS - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
FEMALE ASPECTS - Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati
Saraswati -
God of knowledge, music, and arts
Vehicle: Swan
Wife of Brahma
sits on a white lotus; playing veena
Goddess of wealth and prosperity
Vehicle: owl
Wife of Vishnu
shown bestowing coins and flanked by elephants
The Divine Mother
Vehicle: lion
reincarnation of Shiva's first wife
Often shown together with Saraswati and Lakshmi; they called tridevi (triple goddess)