Cards (11)

  • Key theories
    • Agreed with Piaget that children think qualitatively differently to adults
    • emphasised the importance of social interaction in children’s cognitive development
  • What is the zone of proximal development
    • A zone of proximal development is what a learner can do unaided
    • represents what we can do with the help of a more knowledgeable other
    • children can understand more due to this interaction despite being limited by their development stage
  • Explain scaffolding
    • This describes the help given by an expert/more knowledgeable other to guide the child through the zone of proximal development
    • help is progressive and leads to development
  • Explain elementary and higher functions
    • Children are born with elementary functions
    • e.g memory, perception, sensation and attention
    • our social and cultural environment allows us to use the skills to develop higher mental functions
  • Which study was used to research scaffolding
    Wood et al
  • Explain Wood et als study
    • Identifies different elements of scaffolding taking place
    • demonstration - showing the child how to do the task
    • recruitment - engaging the learners interest
    • direction management - encouragement so the learner perseveres
    • marking critical features - highlighting the most important part of the task
  • What are the strengths
    • Supporting evidence - Howe et al
    • evidence for scaffolding
  • Evaluation - supporting evidence
    • Howe et al
    • children do form mental representations
  • Evaluation - evidence for scaffolding
    • Conner and Cross
    • longitudinal study that recorded how much help mothers gave children over time
    • findings found that mothers decreased their intervention and help as their children got older with simpler tasks
  • Evaluation - ignores individual differences
    • Assumes that learning processes were largely the same for all children
    • limits the usefulness of this theory in education if it’s not applicable to all children
    • different activities help children to learn better, it is not necessarily social interaction
  • What is the limitation
    Ignores social differences