Previous research underestimated new borns abilities
children in the sensorimotor stage were better developed
Define habituation
This is said to occur when babies lookaway from an object, as it is no longer seen as new or unique
the baby is now comfortable/used to the object being there
Define nativism
The idea that babies are born with some innateabilities
What is the physical reasoning system (PRS)
PRS is the basicunderstanding that infants have of the physicalworld and the ability to learn easily
the nature of the PRS means that they are prone to paying attention to newevents as it can help them develop their understanding
e.g objectpermanence helps them to learn about occlusion (an object still exists even when you can’t see it)
What is the study
Violation of expectation
What was the aim of the violation of expectation study
To provide an explanation for early infantabilities
What was the sample of the violation of expectation study
24 infants, aged 5 - 6 months
What was the procedure of the violation of expectation study
Familiarisation event - the infants were shown a small and tallrabbit passing behind a screen, where the object would disappear them reappear
test events (expected and unexpected)
expected - a small rabbit would pass behind the screen and it wouldn’t be shown when it passed the screen as it was too small
unexpected - a tall rabbit would pass being a screen but it could also not been seen when it passed the window even thought it was tall enough
What were the findings of the violation of expectation study
The infants spent longer looking at the unexpected event (33 seconds) than the expected event (25 seconds)
this suggests that they were surprised by the unexpected event, which means they must have known that the tall rabbit should have been visible when it passed the window
What were the limitations
Counterpoint - Piaget
may not be object permanence
What was the strength
Validity of the violation of expectation experiment
Evaluation - validity of the VoE experiment
The method removes the confoundingvariable
the amount of time that the child looks at the object is only measured by the direct contact not whilst the child looks away when distracted
Piaget stated that once a child looks away from an object they no longer think it exists
Evaluation - counterpoint
Piaget pointed out that although the children are paying attention it doesn’t necessarily mean they understand it
their longerresponse to the unexpected event doesn’t represent a change in their cognitiveability
Evaluation - may not be object permanence
It is assumed that the response made to the violation of expectation is linked to the unexpectedness of the event
all it shows is that babies find certain objects more interesting
it is inferring a link between the response and objectpermanence