Has been replaced largely by the privatised nuclear family and modified extended family
Murray disapproves of lone-parent families and welfare for them
Engels: nuclear family is a way of passing on wealth
Althusser: family is an ideological state apparatus
Zaretsky: the family plays an ideological role in propping up capitalism - cushions the oppression
Greer: relationships between men and women often remain exploitative
Delphy and Leonard: women are exploited in the family through unpaid labour
Beck-Gernstein: traditional family structures are disintegrated and being replaced by a wide diversity of relationships
Giddens: confluent love
Replacing romantic love
Beck-Gernstein: love is the only certainty in an uncertain world
Smart: individualisation thesis exaggerates the decline of the family
Fletcher: divorce rate has risen due to rising expectations of marriage
Goode: secularisation means marriage has become less sacred
Murray: increase in lone-parent families due to welfare benefits
Berthoud: South Asian families tend to be larger than other families in the UK
Berthoud: family life in Caribbean communities based on 'modern individualism' - individual choice
Young and Wilmott: families becoming more symmetrical - equal but opposite roles
2008 British attitudes survey - 80% of women 'always or usually' do the laundry
Oakley: criticises Young and Wilmott for their methodology - 72% of men claimed to be helpful around the house in some way apart from the washing up - vague!
Oakley: the double shift
Duncombe and Marsden: the triple shift
Edgell: women had responsibility for unimportant decisions, men for important ones
Pahl: found financial sharing was moving from 'allowances' for women to 'pooling' system where funds are pooled
Dobash and Dobash: violence against women is how the women's subordinate role is maintained
Socially constructed and only emerged relatively recently with industrialisation
Children were seen as mini-adults in medieval times
Asian girls
More strictly controlled by their parents
Toxic childhood
Concept proposed by Palmer
Disappearance of childhood
Result of the rise of digital technology, previously linked to rise of print media
Purchase of intimacy
Concept proposed by Chambers, linked to globalisation
Increasing life expectancy
Responsible for improvements in environmental conditions, according to McKeown
Falling births per woman
Explained by changing position of women, according to Sharpe
Purchase of Intimacy
Concept proposed by social theorist J. Chambers, referring to the idea that global economic forces have created new markets for emotional and physical connections with others.