There are a number of genes that can increase the risk of developing the illness
Define aetiologically heterogeneous
Different combinations of these genes can lead to schizophrenia in different people
What type of studies are used to show genetic vulnerability
Twin studies
adoption studies
What twin study shows genetic vulnerability
What adoption study shows genetic vulnerability
Tienari et al
Explain Gottesmans study
Found that MZ twins had a concordance rate of 48% for the trait schizophrenia where as DZ twins was only 17%
Explain Tienari et als study
Found that 6.7% of children’s who’s mothers were schizophrenic developed the condition
only 2% of adopted children that’s mothers weren’t schizophrenic developed the condition
What is it called when there is too much dopamine
What is it called when there is too little dopamine
How is dopamine related to schizophrenia
Dopamine is believed to be involved with schizophrenia because it is featured in the functioning of brain systems related to schizophrenia
What can hyperdopaminergia do
High levels of dopamine in the central areas of the brain are associated with hallucinations and speechpoverty
What can hypodopaminergia do
Can affect thinking and decisionmaking
Define neural correlates
Abnormalities within different brainareas have a relationship with symptoms of schizophrenia
Which study is used to support neural correlates
Tilo et al
Explain Tilo et als study
Gave fMRIs to 6 schizophrenic patients and 6 non-schizophrenics whilst having them speak about a picture
they found that the schizophrenics thoughts were negatively correlated with the Wernickesarea, which is a part of the brain related to the production of speech
What is a limitation of genetic vulnerability
The findings from Gottesmans twin study do not fully support the role of genes
as the concordance rate for the MZ twins weren’t 100% it means that schizophrenia cannot be inherited by genetics alone
the higher concordance rate between MZ twins suggests that they have a greater environmentalsimilarity rather than genetic similarity
What studies support genetic vulnerability
tienari et al
What study supports neural correlates - evaluation