genetic explanation

Cards (10)

  • what does the genetic explanation suggest ?
    passed on through genes, inherited as genetically related
  • what did gottessman and shield find ?
    concordance rates were mz : 42% dz: 9% shows that twins have a higher genetic similarity - however is not 100%
  • what type of studies are used to test genetic explanation ?
    twin, family, adoption
  • why is family studies good ?
    more common in biological relatives of a person with sz and the closer the degree of relatedness the better chance of getting sz. Gottessman did a meta analysis and found children with two sz parents had concordance rate of 46%, children with one sz parent had 13 % and siblings when one had sz was 9 %
  • why are adoption studies good ?
    see if the environment has an impact even if/or same genetics. see the impact of nature and nurture. looks at adoptees with sz compared with their biological and adoptive parents
  • what did tienari complete - adoption study ?
    examine rate of sz in adopted children who's biological mothers also had sz. compared 155 sz mothers who had given up children to a control group of 155.
  • what were tienari results ?
    a mother with sz increased the chance of sz in adoptees but only if the adoptee family itself were psychologically disturbed in some way. children with sz mothers had an incidence level of 10% In adulthood compared to the control as 1%
  • evaluation of tienari ?
    + see the impact of nature and nurture - low control e.g age of adotpion
  • what is the diathesis stress model ?
    • interactionist approach, your biology makes you vulnerable but you must have an environment streser to trigger the onset.
  • what is evaluation of the genetic explanation ?
    1. gottessman and shields, tienari, reductionist + deterministic