only 15% of husbands had a higher level of participation in housework and most men only took on the pleasurable aspects of childcare.
Warde and Hetherington
Sex typing of domestic tasks remained strong with wives 3 times more likely to be the last person to done washing and men most likely to be last person to have taken out rubbish
dual burden
women have to take responsibility for housework and paid work simultaneously
triple shift
-Duncombe & Marsden - housework, paid work, emotion work
Pahl and Vogler
allowance system (men gave women allowance to meet family needs)
pooling (both have access to income)
women with higher earnings were more likely to have an equal say in spendings
Dobash and Dobash
domestic violence often caused by husband seeing a situation as a challenge to his authority
Radical feminists explanation of DV
Millett and Firestone - family is the main source of women's oppression because men dominate through threat of violence
Marxist feminist explanation for DV
Wilkinson and Pickett - result of stress caused by lack of money
Fran Ansley = women are 'takers of shit' as men take out their stress of exploitation on women