Field of desirables - the people who we would form a relationship with
field of availables -> field of desirables
What is filter theory ?
Explanation on how relationships form
a series of factors progressively limits the range of availables
What are the 3 filters ?
Social demography
similarity of attitudes
What did kerckhoff and Davis do ?
compared attitudes and personalities of students in long term ( longer than 18 months )and short term relation
What is involved in social demography ?
social class
level of education
What does social demography suggest ?
more likely to meet people who are physically close or share demographic characteristics
benefit of proximity is accessibility
we won’t consider people who don’t meet our basic needs
- hard to relate to certain people
What homogony ?
forming a relationship with someone is culturally or socially similar
results from social demography
What is involved in similarity or attitudes ?
find partners who share basic values attractive in the earlier stages of a relationship
kerckhoff and Davis found that similarity of attitudes was important for defelopmemt of short term relationships as it encourages deeper communication and promotes self disclosure
What did bryne find ?
‘Law of attraction’
consistent findings that similarity causes attraction
if not present relationship will fizzle out
opposites do not attract
What is involved in complimentary ?
they have traits that you lack/ meet each others needs
form a whole together
e.g one likes to nurture other be nurtured
What did kerckhoff and Davis find about complementary ?
More important in long term relationships
What is the order of stages in development of relationships ?
early stages - social demography
as develops - similarity of attitudes
finally- partners assed on conplementarity
Evuation ?
kerckhoff and Davis
Anderson at al
What did Anderson et al find ?
Demographic similarity doesnt cause intial attraction.
longitudinal study - found partners became more similar in emotional responses over time through ‘emotional convergence’.
davis and rusbult found an attitude alignment affect in long term relationships where their attitudes synch over time