
Cards (4)

  • meosis
    • only takes place in sex organs
    • only used to produce gametes
    • starts as one diploid cell=4 haploid gametes , containing individual chromosomes not pairs
    • all gametes are genetically different
  • variation- crossing over
    • at early state, 2 homologous chromosome pairs come together
    • chromatids of 2 chromosomes wrap around eachother, attached pairs=bivalent
    • points where chromatids join=chiasmata
    • parts of chromatids break off and exchange alleles between homologous chromosomes
    • =recombinant chromosomes(exchange of alleles)-major source of genetic variation
  • independant assortment
    • when homologous chromosome pairs line up on the spindle
    • cannot predict whether paternal or maternal chromosome will end up in which gamete
    • =4 genetically different cells and each cells have different alleles depending if maternal or paternal
  • independant assortment
    2 to the power of 23(number of homologous chromosome pairs)=over 8 million genetically different gametes