self disclosure

Cards (7)

  • self disclosure
    revealing personal information about yourself to a romantic partner
  • social penetration theory
    • gradual process of revealing your inner self to someone
    • reciprocal exchange of information which displays trust so they disclose more and more info to each other
    • gain a greater understanding of each other and penetrate into each others lives
  • breadth and depth
    • breadth and depth increases so that partners become more committed to each other
    • at the start, we disclose alot but it is mostly superficial and low-risk information we could reveal to anyone
    • breadth is narrow at the start as lots of topics are off limits as if we reveal too much, too soon then it is seen as unattractive
    • becomes deeper revealing our true selves and eventually disclosing intimate, high-risk info
  • reciprocity
    • needs to be reciprocal for a relationship to develop
    • a balance increases intimacy and deepens the relationship
  • strength
    • studied heterosexual dating couples and found strong correlations between measures of satisfaction and self-disclosure
    • those who used self-disclosure and believed their partners did, were more satisfied and committed to the relationship
    • increases validity of the theory
  • strength
    • can help those who want to improve communication in their relationship
    • 57% of gay men and women said that open and honest self-disclosure was the way they maintained and deepened their relationships
    • those who limit communication to small talk can learn to use self-disclosure to benefit the relationship
    • has a good value
  • weakness
    • cultural differences
    • breadth and depth is not true for all cultures
    • usually depends on type of self-disclosure
    • usa men and women disclose more sexual thoughts and feelings than men and women in china
    • limited explanation of romantic relationships as not universally generalisable