
Cards (44)

  • Allele
    Alternative form of a gene
  • Locus
    The specific position of a gene on a chromosome, the two alleles of a gene are found at the same loci on the chromosome pairs
  • Phenotype
    Observable characteristics of an organism which are as a result of genotype and environment
  • Genotype
    The alleles present within cells of an organism, for a particular trait or characteristic
  • Dominant
    Only a single allele is required for the characteristic to be expressed, that is the allele is always expressed in the phenotype
  • Recessive
    The characteristic is only expressed if there is no dominant allele present
  • Homozygous
    Two identical alleles
  • Heterozygous
    Two different alleles
  • Codominance
    Both alleles contribute to the phenotype
  • Linkage
    Genes for different characteristics, located at different loci on the same chromosome are linked
  • Monogenic inheritance
    A phenotype or trait is controlled by a single gene
  • Dihybrid cross
    Inheritance of two genes
  • Sex linkage
    Expression of an allele dependent on the gender of the individual as the gene is located on a sex chromosome
  • Sex-linked conditions
    • Haemophilia
    • Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • Autosomal linkage
    Genes which are located on the same chromosome and tend to be expressed together in the offspring
  • Codominance
    When both alleles are expressed in a heterozygote, that is, both alleles contribute towards the phenotype
  • Codominance example
    • Blood type
  • Epistasis
    The interaction of different loci on the gene, one gene locus affects the other gene locus. One gene loci can either mask or suppress the expression of another gene locus.
  • Recessive epistasis
    The presence of a recessive allele prevents the expression of another allele at a second locus. Recessive epistasis gives the ratio of 9:3:4.
  • Dominant epistasis
    A dominant allele at one locus completely masks the alleles at a second locus. Dominant epistasis gives a ratio of 12:3:1.
  • Chi-squared test

    A statistical test which can be used to establish whether the difference between observed and expected results is small enough to occur purely due to chance.
  • Chi-squared test

    • Can be used if the sample size is sufficiently large, over 20
    • Can only be used for discontinuous variation data in the form of raw counts
    • Can be used to determine whether the null hypothesis is correct or not
  • Null hypothesis
    The assumption that there is no difference between observed and expected results
  • Chi-squared value is less than critical value

    Null hypothesis is accepted as the difference due to chance is not significant
  • Chi-squared value is greater than critical value

    Null hypothesis is rejected as the difference between observed and expected results is not due to chance, and is significant
  • Types of mutations
    • Insertion/deletion mutations
    • Point mutation/substitution
    • Nonsense mutation
    • Missense mutation
    • Silent mutation
  • Insertion/deletion mutations

    One or more nucleotide pairs are inserted or deleted from the sequence, altering the sequence of nucleotides after the insertion/deletion point (frameshift)
  • Point mutation/substitution
    One base pair is replaced by another
  • Nonsense mutation
    A translation is stopped early, giving rise to a truncated polypeptide due to premature introduction of a stop codon
  • Missense mutation
    A codon change which results in the production of a different amino acid, thus resulting in altered tertiary structure of the protein
  • Silent mutation
    A codon change which does not affect the amino acid sequence produced
  • Neutral effects of mutations
    The mutation causes no change to the organism, either because it occurs in a non-coding region of DNA, is a silent mutation, or the change in tertiary structure of the protein has no effect on the organism
  • Beneficial mutations
    • Humans developed trichromatic vision
  • Harmful mutations

    • Mutation in the CFTR protein causes cystic fibrosis
  • Chromosomal mutation

    • Down's syndrome - a third copy of chromosome 21 is present
  • Transcriptional control

    Gene expression can be controlled at the transcriptional level
  • Lac operon
    A length of DNA composed of structural genes and control sites which controls the expression of beta-galactosidase responsible for hydrolysis of lactose in E.coli
  • Lac operon
    • Consists of a promoter region, operator region, and structural genes
    • The inhibitor is coded for by a regulator gene located outside the operon which binds to the operator region
  • Concentration of glucose is high and concentration of lactose is low

    Transcription of the structural genes is inhibited due to binding of the repressor to the operator region
  • Concentration of glucose is low and concentration of lactose is high
    Lactose binds the repressor, causing the shape of its active site to change and making it ineffective, so it can no longer bind to the operator region and transcription of the structural genes takes place