ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
CCF: Combined Cadet Force
STEP: Situation Report
SAA: Skill At Arms
UCpl Lance Corporal
C/Sgt: Colour Sergeant
RSM: Regimental Sergeant Major
Cat: Captain
Cat Colonel
IC: In Command
Sec: Section
TMH Trigger Mechanism Housing
FUP: Form Up Point
RRS: Royal Regiment of Scotland
MTP: Mul-Terrain Pattem
Cal Corporal
CSM: Company Sergeant Major
2L: Second Lieutenant
Maj Major
NCO: Non Commissioned Officer
21C: Second in Command
Pit Platoon
BN Battalion
REME: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Regt: Regiment
Inf Infantry
ACF: Army Cadet Force
KFS: Knife Fork Spoon
CRIT: Cadet Forces Instructional Technique
GP Rifle: General Purpose Rifle
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
MO Method Of Instruction