Content analysis

Cards (7)

  • content analysis is a technique used to change qualitative data into quantitative data using pre-defined codes or categories
  • HOW:
    1. come up with pre-defined codes or categories that you will look out for
    2. read the qualitative data
    3. keep a tally for each code/category
    4. compare numbers between conditions
  • Content analysis A03: STRENGTH
    I: high ecological validity
    E: data often comes form pre-existing data in the real world like dating profiles can be analysed to see if there are gender differences in what people look for in a partner
    C: conclusions can be generalised to the real world
  • Content analysis A03: WEAKNESS
    I: lacks objectivity
    E: turning qualitative data into quantitative data is often subjective
    C: each researcher may have a different interpretation of the codes this means conclusions could be affected by the researcher's biases which lowers internal validity
  • Thematic analysis:
    Involves looking through the data + identifying specific themes that reoccur
    1. read the interviews - may need to transcribe the interview first
    2. identify common themes
    3. write up the common themes, using quotes from the interviews as evidence
  • Thematic analysis A03: STRENGTH
    I: high ecological validity
    E: data often comes from pre-existing data in the real world e.g. interviews with violent offenders
    C: conclusions can be generalised to the real world e.g. interviews with violent offenders can be transcribed
  • Thematic analysis A03: WEAKNESS
    I: lacks objectivity
    E: the choices of themes and interpretation can be subjective as two different researchers may choose different themes when using the same interview
    C: each researcher may have a slightly different interpretation of the data and create different themes which lowers the internal validity