Cards (3)

  • STRENGTH-epigentics
    • Epigenetics —chemical tags which activate or deactivate genes
    e.g DNA acetylation causes DNA to wrap less tightly around histones and thus can be transcribed
    • Life experiences control these switches, and these switches are passed on when the DNA is replicated semi- conservatively. Therefore, MZ twins may differ in weight even though they were given the same diets, due to differences in upbringing/experiences causing differences in the individual expression of genes.
  • strength- DSM
    • A diathesis is a biological vulnerability. However not everyone with these ‘candidate’ genes will develop a disorder. The expression of the gene depends on experience in the form of a stressor which triggers the condition
    • This has been illustrated by Tienari et al who studied 145 Finnish adoptees whose mothers had schizophrenia and were then matched with a sample of 158 adoptees without this genetic risk.
    • comprehensive explanation with research support- however culturally bias
  • strength- nurture affects nature
    • Nurture affects nature Maguire et al. studied the brains of London taxi drivers and found a larger grey matter volume in the mid-posterior hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with spatial awareness with those driving longest
    • This demonstrates the interactionist nature of empiricism and nativism and gives further reason as to why the influences of the two cannot be separated
    • evaluate: brain scans, small sample size, only men(beta bias)