Cards (32)

  • A term that refers to the spark of light, living force in the body, the reason why we are living and moving around
    Embodied spirit
  • He posited that "freedom is not worth having if it does not include freedom to make mistakes".
    Mahatma Gandhi
  • He says that "man is a social animal".
  • It is defined as the ability to have good judgement that allows avoidance of danger and risk.
    Psychological Freedom
  • It is used to describe the faculty of the mind that is alleged to stimulate motivation.
  • It refers to the capacity of man to made choice and decisions recognizing the limitation set by his/her body.
    Self Determination
  • Man's place in the environment as a being-in-the-world.
  • The ancient tribal practices of the people on veneration of an Earth-Mother Goddess, that nature is God and God is nature.
  • The concept of man as embodied spirit is best presented by what concept.
  • The concept of the body that allow individuals to experience other individuals.
  • The concept refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness.
    Moral Freedom
  • The element of freedom refers to the ability to act out of his/her own freewill and self-determination.
  • The element of freedom refers to the person being accountable for his/her actions and consequences.
  • The highest level of aware consciousness accessible to each living being.
    Planetary Consciousness
  • The philosopher that considers the body as the imprisonment of the soul.
  • The relationship that exist in the "I" - "thou" relation of Martin Buber
  • What terms refers to the concept of the body that allow individuals to experience the world?
  • Who posited that the soul exists separate from the body and only inhabits temporarily, leaving upon death?
  • What is the single celled living organisms that is found on all higher animal that explain unity and oneness of all living beings.
  • What is the common amino acid contain in every living organism on Earth according to NASA?
  • Discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings and the environment ?

    Environmental Ethics
  • What ecological philosophy is devoted to preserving the totality of earth's biodiversity and the functioning of its life supporting system?
  • Which part of the body is the rational soul located?
  • Which part of the body is the Spiritual soul located?
  • Which part of the body is the Appetitive soul located?
  • what is the two kinds of worlds according to plato?
    World of forms and world of matter
  • What concept does Plato believe in?
  • Refers to the absence of any physical restraint and the freedom of mobility to act.
    Physical freedom
  • The power of a being to exercise its will
  • Man need not to change the environment, we just need to change our perspective to it.
    Herbert Marcuse
  • Man do not only have duties but also responsibilities to the environment.
    Herbert Mead
  • Orderliness of nature and harmony with our faculty guids us to deeper religious perspective.