
Cards (8)

  • Strinati -
    3 main reasons for postmodernism
    • Emphasis on consumerism
    • New middle class occupations: a focus on taste and lifestyle
    • Disappearance of identities based on class .
    Postmodernism is sceptical of absolute truth. Metanarriatives are open to criticism and doubt.
  • Lyotard -
    The search for ‘truth’ is abandoned
    There is diversity of beliefs (promotes relativism)
    There are many competing views of the truth - death of the meta-narrative
  • Baudrillard -
    Society has moved away from being shaped by production o consumption (buying/selling of images)
    signs are not symbols of real things. They are ‘simulacra’ which appear more real then reality- Disneyland.
    There is the time of hyper-reality we cannot distinguish.
  • Davie -
    Believing Without Belonging
    Religion is not declining - it is taking a more privatised form
    Attendance is now a matter of personal choice
    As a result we now have Believing without Belonging - where people hold religious belief without going to church.
  • Harvieur-Leger -
    Spiritual Shopping
    People today now feel they have a choice as consumers of religion
    Become ‘spiritual shoppers’
    Now develop DIY beliefs
  • Lyon -
    Jesus In Disneyland
    Religions are dis embedded due to the media
    Moves religion to a different place and time
    Weakening as people are exposed to different versions of truth.
  • Stark and Bainbridge -
    Religious Market Theory
    Cycle of religions decline, renewal and revival. so some grow some decline and some attract new members.
    Argue competition between different religions leads to improvements
  • Norris and Inglehart -
    Existential Security Theory
    Variation in different religions is because of different degrees of religious choice, yet different degrees of existential security
    Religion needs to meet a need of security where people and so it feel low level of demand for religion
    Demand is great from low income groups.