Represents the country, appoints PrimeMinister and Lords, opens the parliament, has many ceremonial functions and socialduties
Members of the parliament
Represent one of the 650 districts in the UK
Located in the HouseofCommons
A few of them form the cabinet
House of Commons
Located in the palaceofWestminster, elected for 5 years, Approvelaws before they are submitted to the KingorQueen
House of Lords
Located in the palaceofWestminster, has 784 seats and members, lessimportant than the HouseofCommons, examine or change the billsintroduced by the HouseofCommons
Great Britain
Largest of the British and Europeanislands, includes England, Scotland and Wales (since 1707), Population about 67million people
Looseassociation of sovereign states (1931), formed primarily by the UK and its former colonies, countries are united by language, culture, history and values, responsible for 20% of the worldwidetrade
Voting rights for women
1. Before 1832 a fewwomen could vote through the "VestriesAct" of 1818
2. After 1832 they were excluded from voting through the "Great ReformAct"
3. SuffrageMovement formed in 1866 with 1500signatures gathered in petition for women's voting rights
4. After the firstworldwar the movement was shut down
5. 1918: "RepresentationofthePeopleAct" was passed which allowedwomen over 30 and men over 21 vote if they met the property qualifications to vote
6. 1928: "RepresentationofthePeopleAct (EqualFranchise)" was passed which allowed men and women over 21 to vote
Food (Fishandchips, English-breakfast, ...)
Britishpoliteness and helpfulness
Sports like cricket
Result of colonialism and imperialism (1914), Pakistanis, Bangladeshis etc. migrated to Britain to work, today: 12,4%bornabroad, enriches cultures (food, music, ...)