Definitions of abnormality

Cards (11)

  • What does statistical infrequency indicate about behavior?
    Behavior is abnormal if it is very rare within a population.
  • How can the rarity of a behavior be judged?
    Rarity can be judged objectively using statistics.
  • What does the normal distribution curve represent?
    It shows a population's average spread of specific characteristics.
  • What is considered abnormal behavior in relation to standard deviations?
    A person whose behavior is two standard deviations away from the average is considered abnormal.
  • According to the DSM5, what IQ score indicates a diagnosis for IDD?
    An IQ of 70 or less indicates a diagnosis for IDD.
  • What percentage of the population has an IQ of 70 or less?
    This is just over 2% of the population.
  • What does failure to function adequately refer to?
    It refers to the inability to cope with daily life.
  • What are Rosenhan and Seligman's features of failure to function?
    1. Maladaptive behavior 2. Personal anguish 3. Observer discomfort 4. Irrationality 5. Unconventionality
  • What is deviation from social norms?
    • An unwritten expectation of behavior
    • What is accepted can vary between cultures and can change over time
    • People who deviate are seen as abnormal or social deviants
  • How does deviation from ideal mental health view individuals?
    It offers a humanistic perspective on how people can become better.
  • What are the key concepts related to abnormal behavior discussed in the study material?
    • Statistical infrequency
    • Failure to function adequately
    • Deviation from social norms
    • Deviation from ideal mental health