Top down approach

Cards (21)

  • What is this approach ?
    • uses the experience + intuition of the profiler to create a profile of the criminal from the crime scene
    • developed by the fbi who interviewed 36 sexually motivated killers
    • starts with a theory about type of person who committed the crime and the evidence from the crime scene is used to profile the criminal
    • analysis of previous crimes to create a profile of a likely offender
  • Who developed organised and disorganised crimes ?
    Hazel wood + Douglas
  • What is an organised crime- victim ?
    • victim targetted + aggressive
    • no weapon or evidence
    • body hidden
    • crime scene Is orderly
  • Organised crime- criminal ?
    • high intelligence
    • socially + sexually competent
    • have transport
    • aware of the media
    • minimal behaviour change after crime
  • Organised crime - background?
    • eldest sibling
    • inconsistent discipline as a child
  • What is a disorganised crime- victim ?
    • victim random
    • unplanned crime
    • weapon + evidence present
    • body left in view
    • sexually active after death
  • Disorganised - criminal ?
    • low- average intelligence
    • socially + sexually immature
    • major behaviour change after crime
    • no interest in media
    • live alone or near crime scene
  • disorganised - background?
    • youngest sibling
    • With harsh discipline
  • What is a disorganised crime ?

    crime scene left with many clues
  • What is the 6 stage process ?
    1. profiling input
    2. decision process
    3. crime assessment
    4. criminal profile
    5. crime assessment
    6. apprehension
  • Profiling inputs ?
    • data collected
    • description of crime scene
    • Background info on the victim
    • crime specifics
    • evidence photos
  • Decision process models ?
    • identify patterns in murder types - mass, spree, serial
    • time factors - long or short
    • location factors
  • Crime assessment 1?
    organised Or disorganised
  • Criminal profile ?
    Hypothesis about the back ground,habits and Beliefs of the offender
    • used to make a strategy for investigation - Including how they will respond to being interviewed
  • Crime assessment 2?

    Written report given to the police who can filter their suspects
  • Apprehension ?
    • any suspects are revised against each stage to check for the conclusions are valid
  • Evaluation ?
    1. Canter et al
    2. gender bias
    3. high ecological validity
    4. practical application
  • canter et al ?
    Only 2 types of criminals
    • content analysis of 100 serial killers
    • analysis is failed to distinguish any clear differences between O + D
    • must crimes all have an organised element as not caught before 3 crimes
  • Gender bias ?
    • crimes often committed by men
    • females may have differwnt characteristics
    • interviewed sexually motivated crimes - not the same as a burglary
  • High ecological validity?
    developed by fbi
    • arose through actual practice
  • Practical application ?
    Helped catch Shawcross who would leave bodies and then come back to them and cut them up