the different treatment and/or representation of male + female based on stereotypes and not real differences
What are the 4 key terms ?
alpha bias
beta bias
what is alpha bias ?
Theories which exaggerate the difference between males and females
devalue one gender in comparison to the other
What is beta bias ?
Theories which minimise the sex differences
misrepresentation of behaviour
studies that use only men or only women then generalise the findings
What is androcentrism ?
theories which represent male views
male bias, male behaviour is taken as the norm
some women’s behaviour is pathologised
centred or focussed on men, neglecting or exclusion of women
what is universality ?
no differences between males + females conclusions applied to everyone regardless of culture/sex
develop theories that apply to al people which may include real differences
What is gynocentrism ?
theories which represent female views
What studies demonstrate gender bias ?
Ash- beta bias - no females pp - conclusions were universal -> Neto found women conform due to wanting social relationships
zimbardo- beta bias - no men, findings were universal
freuds psychosexjal stages- alpha bias - girls don’t experience castration but do have penis envy
attachment - all research assumes the mother is the primary caregiver
Extension of androcenteism ?
a consequence of beta bias
if you only research males their behaviour is the ‘norm’.
any behaviour that deviates is abnormal
What did travis find ?
Most cultures take male behaviour as standard leading to female behaviour being misunderstood or pathologised
What did travis say androcenteism affected ?
Society -
feminists disagree with PMS as a stereotype as it trivilises female experience
PMS is a social construct that is medicalises female emotions by being hormonal But male anger is a rational response to external pressures
How to reduce gender bias ?
Jhonson + Kirk
found by anonymising applications at both applicant + reviewer level for scientific research on the hubble space telescope led to a higher rate of women being selected
also found thag male reviewers rage females as worse
Evaluation ?
psychological evidence
practical application
Methodology ?
Rosenthal - found that male researchers are more pleasant + friendly to female ppl than to males. leads to pp performing worse in assigned tasks
research should have stabderdised procesure + equal sex number
Consider double blind
Research support ?
Practical applications ?
led to influence of equality in education + questioning behaviours based on male norms