Polytechnic University of the Phils. College of Business Administration, Human Resource Management, Prof. Marifel i. javier
Transportation model
Formulated for a class of problems where a product is transported from several sources to several destinations at the minimum possible cost, each source can supply a fixed number of units and each destination has a fixed demand
In Operations Management this is what we called "LOGISTICS"
Transportation problem
Items are allocated from sources to destinations at a minimum cost
Example of transportation problem
Determine how many tons of wheat to transport from each grain elevator to each mill on a monthly basis to minimize the total cost of transportation
Constraints in transportation model
1. Represent demand at each mill
2. Represent supply of each elevator
3. Represent tons of wheat transported from Kansas City to all three mills
Balanced transportation model is when supply = demand
Unbalanced transportation model is when supply exceeds demand or vice-versa
Some routes in transportation model may be prohibited
Computer solution with QM for Windows
Provides optimalsolution showing shipments in each cell and total cost
QM for Windows will not identify alternate solutions
Sensitivity analysis
Can be performed by changing model size or parameters
Transshipment model
An extension of transportation model with intermediatetransshipment points between sources and destinations
Transshipment problem
Items may be transported from sources through transshipment points on to destinations
From one transshipment point to another
From one source to another
From one destination to another
Directly from sources to destinations
Transshipment model formulation
1. Develop supply-and-demand constraints for farms, mills, and transshipment points (grain elevators)
2. Principle that amount shipped in must equal amount shipped out at each transshipment point
Transshipmentmodel can be solved using Excel or QM for Windows
Assignment model
A special form of LP similar to transportation model, but supply at each source and demand at each destination are each limited to oneunit
Example of assignment model
The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)
Unbalanced assignmentmodel exists when supplyexceedsdemand or demandexceedssupply
Example of unbalancedassignment model
A concrete company transports concrete from three plants to three construction sites