
Cards (23)

  • What is culture bias ?
    • the tendency to judge all people in terms of one’s own cultural assumptions
  • What is alpha bias ?

    When a theory assumes that culture groups are profoundly different
  • What is beta bias ?

    when cultural differences are ignored or minimised -> everyone is the same/universal conclusions and designs
  • Culture bias has 3 views ?
    1. Ethnocentrism
    2. cultural relativism
    3. universality
  • What is ethnocentrism ?
    Seeing the world from one’s own ctural perspective and believing that this perspective is the normal and correct
  • What is cultural relativism ?

    The view that there is no right or wrong behaviour
    • behaviour can only be understood if the cultural context is taken into consideration
    • cannot be judged unless it is viewed in the context of the culture in which it originates
  • What does ethnocentrism suggest ?
    One culture is superior to another and that their behaviours/social norms are the only ones
  • Who demonstrated ethnocentrism ?
    • ainsworth
    • milgram
  • ainsworth?
    • ideal type of attachment was secure as the infants showed moderate distress when left alone
    • led to misinterpretation of child rearing practices in other countries which seemed to deviate from the amerixan norm
    • e.g German mothers were seen as cold and rejecting but were actually encouraging independence
  • Milgram?

    has been replicated in other countries as the original only used American males
  • how did dove demonstrate beta bias ?
    Chitling test of intelligence -designed an IQ test to demonstrate difference in American ghetto culture and white american
    • people of other cultures typically underperformed
    • shows modern day tests are racially unfair
  • What did sternberg suggest ?
    Skills are dependent on the society e.g bow and arrow are essentjal in certain society not others
  • What did cultural relativism suggest ?
    Norma,vlaues, ethics and moral standards can only be meaningful and understood within specific social and cultural contexts
    • there is no global right or wrong, social norms are culturally relative
  • What did Berry define ?
    Etic and Emic approach in studying human behaviour
  • What is Etic ?

    looks at behaviour from the outside of a culture and ashamed that all behaviour is universal
    (non pp/beta bias)
  • What is Emic ?
    studies one culture to understand culture- specific behaviours
    (pp/ alpha bias )
  • What did Luria find ?
    asked russian rural residents this iq question
    • the correct answer is the lot but all of his sample said hammer
    • is tests demonstrate the important of context in any research
  • Cultural bias in mental health ?

    DSM- American
    ICD- european
    • both are used to classify and construct mental illness in non- western cultures and assume there is no difference between cultures
    • African Caribbean - 3-5x more likely to have sz
    • Irish high depression
    • leads us to wuetsion the validity or cultural bound syndromes
  • Cultural bound syndrome ?
    • a recognisable illness within a specific socket it culture which uses localised diagnostic criteria - no biological cause
    • presents issues such as why are non western behaviours measured against western criteria
    e.g eating disorders - western CBS due to emphasis around appearance
  • Evaluation ?
    1. Opperationalising variables
    2. there are universal behaviours
    3. cross cultural research
  • Operationalising variables ?
    • may not be the same cross- culture
    • e.g invading personal space is normal in china - imposed Etic
  • Are universal behaviours ?
    Reciprocity + international synchrony + basic emotions (happy + sad)
    • innate behaviours are universal
  • Cross culture research challenged typical western views ?
    van Ijzendoorn