kohlbergs cognitive explanation

    Cards (8)

    • stages in development
      • childs understanding of gender develops with age
      • understanding runs parallel to intellectual development
    • stage 1: gender identity 2-3
      • able to identify themselves as boy or girl
      • can identify other people based on outward appearances
      • arent aware sex is permanent
    • stage 2: gender stability 4-5
      • realise they will always stay the same gender
      • cant apply this logic to others - easily confused by external changes in appearance
      • labelling is based on stereotypes
    • stage 3: gender constancy 6
      • recognise gender is constant across time and situations
      • no longer fooled by outward appearances
    • imitation of role models
      • at gender constancy children begin to seek out gender-appropriate role models to identify with and imitate
      • connects closely with SLT but Kohlberg suggests this only occurs after age of 6
      • once child has a fully developed and internalised concept of gender they begin the active search for evidence which confirms their ideas
    • S - evidence supporting the stages
      • Slaby and Frey presented children with split-screen images of males and females performing the same tasks
      • younger children spent same time watching both sexes
      • gender constancy children spent longer looking at same-sex model
      • suggests kohlberg was correct in his assumption that children in constancy will actively seek gender-appropriate models
    • W - constancy not supported
      • children begin to demonstrate gender-appropriate behaviour before constancy is achieved
      • Bussey and Bandura found children as young as 4 reported 'feeling good' about playing with gender-appropriate toys and 'bad' about doing the opposite
      • contradicts Kohlberg as it suggests children begin to absorb gender-appropriate behaviour as soon as they can identify themselves
    • W - methodological issues
      • kohlbergs theory developed using interviews with children as young as two or three
      • may not have acknowledged that these children may lack the vocabulary required to express their understanding
      • children may have more complex understanding but just cant articulate it, meaning, what they express does not truly represent what they are thinking