How organisms interact with other organisms and their environment, if you study this you are an ecologist
The same species in the same place at the same time
All populations of organisms that interact in a certain area
Consist of living and nonliving things interacting with one another
All ecosystems on earth, includes climate change
What do all organisms recycle
Water, carbon dioxide, oxygen
Photosynthesis and plants use CO2 to produce glucose. Animals and plants breakdown the glucose releasing CO2 for respiration. Photosynthesis releases oxygen, plant animals take it for inspiration
Ecosystem size
Size is not defined in terms of area but rather by the interactions that occur inside it
Two different species livingtogether in the same community interact over a long period of time
When twospecies need to share a valuable resource like food
Different species in an ecosystem are related and interact when one species can use the other as a food source
Parasitism (symbiosis)
One species benefits while the other is harmed
Commensalism (symbiosis)
One species benefits while the other is unaffected by the relationship
Both species are benefited and gain something from the other
Produce their food on their own and don’t need to eat organisms to do this.
Can produce food on their own and need to eat organisms.
Organisms use 90% of its food energy for life processes
Food webs
Shows the different feedingrelationships between different species
What to look at to see if ecosystem is balanced
200 left in South Africa, endangered because of humanintervention
The main goal of any species
To reproduce and ensure the survival of the species
2 factors that disrupt a balanced ecosystem
Natural & human
Natural disasters (floods, hurricanes) can cause disruptions to ecosystems, which they will recover from, but change over long periods (climate change, global warming) ecosystems may not recover
Modern man- has a huge impact on nature
clear lands to build cities, roads, farms
pollute the environment
produce waste and litter
poach endangered animals
over harvest marine animals
Which 4 factors force organisms to adapt
Competition, predation, paratism, human influence
How can adaption occur
structural, functional, behavioural , which take place over a long period lf t8me passed down generations
The physical characteristics of a species
Species way of carrying out its lifeprocesses
species behaviours that are instinctive
When animals move between different areas at different times
Some animals that don’t migrate hibernate some sleep through the winter.
Umbrella thorn tree in African Savannah
Can survive 50°C to below freezing.
It’s deep roots store water and small leaves prevent dehydration
Baobab tree
Survives in dry areas as it stores water in the thick trunk
Conservation of the ecosystem
South Africa’s beauty attracts tourist every year, but under the influence of poaching,pollution.
Human interferences
Habitat destruction (deforestation, burning)
Pollution causing globalwarming
Alien invasive planets taking over ecosystem
Hunting, poaching leads to the killing of wildlife