The conferences

Cards (13)

  • The Tehran Conference was in November 1943 - it was to plan a winning strategy to end the war
  • Agreements at Tehran
    • USA & Britain open a 'second front' by launching an attack on Germany in West Europe ( eased pressure Eastern Front)-germany would withdraw troops
    • Stalin declares war against Japan -> only once war in Europe ends
    • Aim of the war was for Germany to unconditionally surrender
    • Poland should receive land from Germany, but soviets could keep land they previously seized from Poland
    • An International body should be set up to settle disputes through discussion & negotiation not war (laid the foundation of the UN)
  • The Yalta Conference was in February 1945 - to discuss winning the war and what will happen to Germany & Europe
  • Agreements at Yalta:
    • Germany split into 4 zones, each controlled by a different superpower (USSR, USA, Britain, France)
    • Germany Pay $20 million in reparations
    • Nazi Party banned
    • United Nations set up
    • USSR agreed to help the USA with war against Japan
    • USSR would hold free elections in Eastern Europe
  • Disagreements at Yalta:
    • Stalin expected the elections to turn out pro-communist
    • British supported the non-communist London Poles
  • The Big Three included Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin
  • The Potsdam conference was in August 1945
  • Before the Potsdam conference Roosevelt died (april 1945) and was replaced by Harry S Truman
    Winston Churchill replaced by Clement Attlee
  • Agreements at Potsdam:
    • Germany and Berlin divided into 4 zones
    • Germany pay reparations
    • Germany economy ran as a whole despite the different countries rule over the split zones
  • Failed agreements at Potsdam:
    • An agreement over the Eastern europe gov. was not reached
    • Truman objected the control soviets had over the countries they liberated from Nazis
    • Truman objected to previous arrangements for Poland & the border
  • The London Poles
    A group of politicians who left Poland after the German invasion in 1939 and formed a gov in exile
  • Potsdam - due to the new personalities representing the big 3 countries, the relations between the three leaders was very different:
    • Truman and Attlee were new to diplomatic discussions, it was difficult for them to get their way with stalin
    • Truman was determined to take a 'get tough' approach on Stalin and deliberately delayed the the conference until the atomic bomb was ready
  • Tehran conference - little tension at this time