2 main reasons for migration are family members already being in the area or conflict in country of residence
what is the case study for migrants crossing?
4 problems migrants crossing the Mediterranean cause?
unsafe for them, pollution, financial issues and tensions
economic theory suggests economic efficiency is maximised when freetrade, deregulated financial markets and openborders are implemented
2 negatives of the economic theory?
undermines national sovereignty as borders are not meaningful
challenges idea of national identity
what is the case study for a country that has implemented unrestricted labour?
Movement within the UK
around 1million people move a great distance within England and Wales per year, mostly young people moving to cities for work but balanced by older people moving to rural areas
free movement is established in some nations as they believe unrestricted movement of labour promotes economic growth as it allows people to move to where their skills and labour are most in demand
some regions also encourage economicmigration, for example EU SchengenAgreement allows people to move between and work in different European countries as no passport or visa is needed