Ethical implications

Cards (13)

  • Define ethical implications
    The negative effects of the research onto those in society
  • Define socially sensitive research
    • Research that could have an impact in society, either for the specific individuals involved or a social group
    • particularly sensitive research includes investigating different social groups based on factors such as gender, sexuality, ethnicity or religion etc
  • What are the solutions to avoid ethical implications
    • Avoid all socially sensitive research
    • make researchers register their research before carrying it out
    • introduce strict rules about how the media interprets and represents research
  • Who proposed there are four aspects that can lead to ethical implications
    Sieber and Stanley
  • What four aspects did Sieber and Stanley propose could lead to ethical implications
    • The research question
    • conduct of research and treatment of participants
    • the institutional context
    • interpretation and application of findings
  • How can the research question lead to ethical implications
    By investigating a question you can lend scientific credibility to the idea so must be careful about what you investigate
  • How can the conduct of research and treatment of participants lead to ethical implications
    • The most important ethical consideration here is confidentiality of information
    • particularly when dealing with socially sensitive issues you must be sure not to cause potential harm to your participants
  • How can the institutional context lead to ethical implications
    • Research needs to be funded and managed by an institution or private company
    • they can manipulate the outcome, for example by ignoring any negative findings and only publishing positive ones
  • How can interpretations and application of findings lead to ethical implications
    • The ways in which others report or apply findings may be unethical
    • if you discovered an ethnicity difference in intelligence others may see this as a justification for holding some ethnicities as second class citizens
  • What is a weakness of avoiding all socially sensitive research
    • All research could be argued to be socially sensitive so who would decide which research could be carried out
  • What are strengths of making researchers register their research score carrying it out
    • Would help to avoid publication bias which is the failure to publish results of a study on the basis of the direction of the study
    • could offer another stage of regulation for someone to prevent research
  • What are weaknesses of making researchers register their research score carrying it out
    • It is difficult to decide what research is harmful
    • may discourage potentially valuable research from being done
  • What is a weakness of introducing strict rules about how the media interprets and represents research
    Could discourage scientific reporting