universality - the idea there is a range of psychological characteristics of human beings that can be applied to all of us, despite our individual experiences and upbringings
androcentrism - bias because psychology has been conducted by men and so reflects their views
alpha bias - an exaggeration in the differences between genders which misrepresents behaviour
beta bias - misrepresentation of behaviour because researchers minimise differences in gender
psychology has changed to have more female researchers to ensure the samples are gender balanced
evolutionary explanation for sexual behaviour has alpha bias
cultural bias is when all human behaviour is viewed from the perspective of one cultural standpoint
ethnocentrism - when researchers view their own cultural behaviour as 'normal' and interprets deviation as abnormal
cultural relativism is when behaviours can only be understood from the perspective of its cultural context
etic construct - behaviours that are universal across all cultural groups
emic construct - behaviours that only apply to certain cultural groups
WEIRD - western , educated, industrialized, rich, democratic
american college students always used in research and over represented