ethics and social sensitivity

Cards (13)

  • socially sensitive research defined by siebar and stanley in 1988
  • they defined it as research that could lead to negative consequences for the people participating or any wider group
  • implications impact people and can lead to the discrimination of a group
  • research can be used to justify laws that harm the people who were studied
  • validity is an issue because research may not have prpoer methodology and could be conducted with bias
  • you can use briefing and debriefing to deal with ethical issues
  • ethical issue that is considered after data collection is publication and issues of confidentiality
  • the ethics committee decides if you can run your research after reviewing it
  • a cost benefit analysis is done to decide if research should be conducted
  • cost benefit analysis - weighing up potential benefits and harms to society and individuals of the research
  • BPS - ethics committee
  • organisation promotes - respect for privacy, confidentiality, wellbeing of participants and communities
  • negative thing that could happen is researchers avoid researching difficult topics and marginalised groups over concerns over social sensitive and ethics