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  • Resin - is applied to more or less solid, amorphous products of complex chemical nature.
  • Resin - are usually formed in schizogenous ducts or cavities and are end product of metabolism.
  • Resins - in physical/solid form, they arehard, transparent or translucent and upon heating it soften and finally melt
  • Resins - When Heated: Chemically, are complex
    mixtures of:
    Resin acids
    Resin alcohols (Resinols)
    ▪ Resin phenols (Resinotannols)
  • Resenes - these are chemically inert compounds
  • Resins - are insoluble in water, and usually insoluble in petroleum spirit. But they are soluble in alcohol, chloroform and ethers.
  • resins - Some investigators believe, they are formed by an oxidation products of Terpenes.
  • Several Resins: used in Pharmacy and in
    Art: Rosin, Guaiac, Mastic
  • resins - When separated and purified, they are
    usually brittle, amorphous solid that fuse ( break easily) readily when heated, after passing through a
    preliminary stage of softening.
  • resins- insoluble in water but dissolve in alcohol or other organics solvents.
  • varnish-like film - formed through evaporation from the resins
  • Resins - Burn with characteristic, smoky flame.
  • Volatile oils – Oleoresins
    • Copaiba
    • Mastic
    • Capsicum
    • Ginger
  • Gums – Gum-Resins
    • Gamboge
  • Oil and Gums – Oleo-gum resins
    • Myrrh
    • Asafoetida
    • Olibanum
  • Gums - are water-soluble carbohydrate derivatives,
    they can be separated from oleoresins rather easily.
  • Balsams - Are resinous mixtures that contain:
    • cinnamic acid
    • benzoic acid or both
    • esters of these acids (Typical Balsams)
  • Typical Balsams
    • Balsam of Peru
    • Balsam of Tolu
    • Storax
  • The term Balsam has been erroneously applied to
    some oleoresins (balsam of copaiba). This error
    has been occasionally led to some confusion
  • Glycosidal combination– Glucoresins/Glycoresins
    • Ipomea
    • Jalap
    • Phodophyllum
  • Latex - Differ from a resin or resin combination, and are obtained from the plant in a similar manner and
    they be studied together with them.
  • Latex - a natural product of variable composition and of milky consistency making up the cytoplasm of special plant tissues consisting of laticiferous cells or vessels.
  • Latex - the milky appearance is due to the colloidal
    suspension of small particles in a liquid dispersion
    medium with a very different refractive index.
  • Resin acids -these contain a large proportion of oxyacids, usually combining the properties of
    carboxylic acid and phenols.
  • Resin acids - Are soluble aqueous solutions of the alkalies usually soap like solutions or colloidal
  • Resin acids - Their metallic salts are known as Resinates
    Abietic acid – found in Rosin or Colophony
    Copaibic and Oxycopaibic acid – Copaiba
    Guaiaconic acid – Guaiac
    Commiphoric acid – present in Myrrh, a resin obtained from commiphora species
    Aleuritic acid – derived from Shellac
    Sandaracolic acid – found in Sandarac, a resin obtained from…
    Primaric acid – found in Burgundy pitch and Frankincene resins
  • Resin alcohols - Are complex alcohols of high molecular weight
  • Types of resin alcohols:
    1. resinols
    2. resinotannols
  • Resinols - do not give such a reaction w/ iron salts
  • Resinnotannols - gives a tannin reaction with
    iron salts
  • Resin alcohols - Occur in the free state as esters in
    combination with simple aromatic acids
  • Common aromatic acids in combination with resin alcohols:
    • Benzoic acid
    • Salicylic acid
    • Cinnamic acid
    • Umbellic acid
  • Resinols‘ Examples:
    • Benzoresinol– found in Benzoin resin
    • Storesinol– found in Storax resin
    • Guaiacresinol– found in Guaia or guaiac resin
  • Resinotannols
    • Aloeresinotannol– Aloe
    • Peruresinotannol– Balsam of Peru
    • Toluresinotannol– Balsam of Tolu
    • Ammoresinotannol and Galbaresinotannol - Ammoniac
    • Siaresinotannol and Sumaresinotannol- Benzene
  • Resenes - are complex neutral substances devoid or lack of characteristic chemical properties. They do not form salts or esters, and are insoluble in and resist by alkalies.
  • Resenes
    • Alban and Fluavil– Gutta percha
    • Copalresene– Copal
    • Dammaresene– Dammar
    • Dracoresene– Dragon’s blood
    • Olibanoresene - Olibanum
  • Glucoresins/glycoresins - Are complex mixtures yielding or producing sugars and complex resin acids on hydrolysis.
  • Glucoresins/glycoresins:
    • Resins of Jalap
    • Resins of Scammony
  • Pharmaceutic resins— are Obtained by extracting the drug with alcohol and precipitating the resin with water