Commit crime to avoid punishment or gain rewards because they believe that breaking the law is justified if the rewards outweighs the cost or punishment can be avoided
this fits with the age of criminal responsibly in the uk age 10
individuals at the higher levels tend to sympathise more with the rights of others and exhibit more conventional behaviours such as honesty, generosity and non violence
Evaluation ?
black burn
gudjonsson et al
Blackburn ?
suggests that delinquents may show poor moral development due to a lack of role playing opportunities in childhood
supports eyesencks socialisation idea
Studies 128 male juvineille offenders
38% didn’t consider the consequences of their actions and 36% were confident they wouslmt be caught
criticised the bias sample to crate the theory
the male orientated dilemmas that focussed on justice rather than care and empathy
when kohlberg tested his theory on women they resulted in being less morally developed than men
shows differences in men and women when committing crime