hours watching TV in childhood is associated with adultconvictions for aggressive and violent crimes. Additionally the studyfoundwatchingTV was also associated with reducedsocialinteraction and pooreducationalachievement. Therefore, link to aggression may be indirect
bandura et al replicated their earlier Bobo doll study but this time childrenwatched a film of an adultmodelbeating the doll.Children again imitated the modelsbehaviourclosely, demonstrating that sociallearning can operatethroughmediaas well as face to face
a meta-analysis of 200 studies found a significant positivecorrelation between viewing TV/film violence and antisocial behaviour. However, TV/film violenceaccounted for only 1-10% of variance in children’s aggressive behaviour, suggesting a minor effect on aggression for TV and film compared with othersources
there is evidence that computergames have a morepowerfuleffect than traditionalscreenbasedmedia because the game player is active and gameplaying is directly rewarding
for ethical reasons participants are notexposed to violence. Therefore studies use competitive reaction timetask ,givingblasts of white noise at chosenvolumes to opponents (which are non-existent). The researchers found that students playing violent games for 10 minutes gave higher volumes of white noise than students who playednon-violentgolfing games
several measures of aggression are positively correlated with timespentplayingviolentgames. The link is so wellestablished that aggression should be considered a public health issue and computer gameviolence a riskfactor
One limitation is there are many unsupported conclusions. Many studies are methodologically weak as there are confoundingvariables and meta analyses sometimes includepoorqualitystudies.Many studies are correlational and experimental studies lackexternalvalidity. Therefore someresearchers may be guilty of drawingprematureconclusions based on findings that lackvalidity
One strength is that SLT is a convincingtheoreticalframework. Researchers note that we accept that exposure to aggression at home is harmful, so logicallymedia are importantsources of sociallearning.Children are morelikely to imitateaggressivebehaviours when they see them rewarded (vicarious reinforcement) especially when childrenidentify with onscreencharacters. This is a key feature of science as it has a unifying explanation to account for findings