Genetic explanation

    Cards (7)

    • Concordance rate
      The rate of probability that two people with shared genes will develop the same organic disease.
    • Gottesman
      Looked at the heritability of SZ.
      Concordance rates:
      Parents 6%
      Siblings 9%
      DZ twins 17%
      MZ twins 48%
    • Gottesman & Shields
      Found a concordance rate of 42% for MZ and 9% for DZ.
    • Heston
      Compared 47 children of SZ mothers who were adopted before the age of one month with a control group of 47 children raised by non SZ mothers.
      10% of the children with SZ mothers developed SZ compared to none of the controls.
    • Tienari et al
      Compared 112 cases of adopted children who had biological mothers who had been diagnosed with SZ with 135 adopted children who had non SZ biological mothers.
      7% of these children (112) developed SZ compared to 1.5% of controls.
    • Strengths of the genetic explanation
      Supporting evidence
    • Weaknesses of genetic explanation
      Difficult to separate nature and nurture when researching families.
      Concordance rates are not 100% meaning their are other influencers.
      Diathesis stress model may offer a better explanation (without environmental stressors, genetics are unlikely to lead to SZ).