Family Diversity

Cards (12)

    A stable family provides 2 irriducible functions:
    1. Socialisation
    2. Stabalisation of adult personalites
  • New right view on family diversity

    Nuclear family is the only 'natural' family type, need role models for children
    Neo-conventional family
    5 types of family diversity CLOGS
    • Cultural
    • Life stage
    • Organisational
    • Generational
    • Social class
    Postmodernism - family diversity = more freedom and choice for women, there is no longer a single dominant family type
  • Individualisation thesis
    Class, ethnicity and gender has lots it influence .: there are less certianties and fixed roles
    Family is now ' disembedded' from its traditional roles .: changing family types
  • GIDDENS+ relationships

    increased choice + diversity = greater independence, relationships based on choice + equality = 'pure relationship' BUT less stable
  • GIDDENS + same sex
    Same sex couples = leading the way on family diversity
    Same sex couples = 'supportive families of choice'
  • BECK
    'Risk Society' we are more aware of risks so people are more cautious therefore leads to 'negotiated family' who don't conform to traditional norms and values but vary according to individuals
    Personal life perspectives - we are not disembedded but make decision whose choices are made 'within a web of connectedness