Biological differences between men and women. Humans are assigned this at birth. It comes with observable physical attributes like external and internal anatomy
Difference Feminism
Believe these differences are important as they believe in essentialism (these differences lead to fundamental differences, hence their natures are natural not socially constructed). Giligan argued this affects the ways men and women think
Equality Feminism
Argues for elimination of cultural differences in the pursuit of absolute equality. Most feminists are this branch of thinking
Used to describe the 'gender roles' of men and women. The majority of feminists argue this is socially constructed and forms gender stereotypes.
De Beauvoir
Spoke about biological differences being used by men to predetermine gender roles. She used otherness to describe this labelling women as the second sex and men as the first
Perkins Gillman
Argued gender roles are socially constructed from a young age, subordinating them to men by making them think they are frail and weaker than men
Millet and hooks
Both perceive social construction as beginning in the family unit meaning gender roles are neither natural or inevitable
Personal is Political
A radical feminist argument to dispute liberal feminists neglecting the private sphere as they believe it isn't affected by patriarchy.