Psychodynamic explanation

Cards (14)

  • What does this approach suggest ?
    • combines bowls theory of maternal deprivation with freuds personality theory
  • What did Blackburn suggest ?
    • the super ego is somehow deficient or inadequate then offending behaviour is inevitable because the if he given free rein and isn’t properly controlled
  • What are the 3 types of inadequate super ego ?
    1. The weak/underdeveloped
    2. deviant
    3. over harsh/ over developed
  • Weak ?
    • absence of same sex parent means child can’t internalise a fully formed super ego as there is no oppertunity for identification
    • this would make offending behaviour more likely because they have little control over anti social behaviour and is likely to act in ways that gratify their instinctual id impulses
  • Deviant ?
    • 8; &!534!-@&:3: :7034 who is based on immoral or deviant value( criminal parent )
    • leads to offending behaviour because the child may not associate wrong doing with guilt
  • Overharsh ?
    • internalise superego of a very strict same sex parent means they develop and excessively harsh super ego
    • individual is crippled by guilt and anxiety most of the time behave ant time the person acts on their id impulses they feel bad
    • drive the individual to offend with a wish to be caught to satisfy their super ego
    • overheating need for punishment and reduce their feelings of guilt
  • Psychodynamic
    Freud introduced defence mechanisms where the unconsious protects the ego from trauma
    • displacement
    • sublimation
    • rationalisation
  • Displacement ?
    • strong emotion is shifted from the original source to another
  • Sublimation ?
    / strong if impulse is expressed in a more socially acceptable way
  • Rationalisation ?

    explaining behaviour in a more acceptable way when it’s still negative
  • Evaluation?
    1. Little empirical evidence
    2. holistic approach
    3. little evidence
    4. gender bias
  • Little empirical evidence ?
    • for concept of super ego, unconsious or defence mechanisms
    • Bowlby research has limitations
  • Gender bias. ?

    freud suggest girls develop a weaker super ego due to less pressure to identity with their mothers
    • means their sense of morality is weaker and should be more prone to criminal behaviour
    • but men commit more crime and more men in prison
  • Little evidence
    No evidence to suggest that single parents or lack of same sex parent creates less law abiding children
    • if children do commit crime it could be due to genetics of socialisation rather than weak super ego