
Cards (5)

  • OCD
    A disorder in which a person has recurrent and unwanted thoughts, a need to preform repetitive and rigid actions or both 
    Obsessions = thoughts -> ideas, impulses, mental image that; occor automatically, unwanted, repetitive, intrusive, cause anxiety 
    Compulsions = actions -> mental/ behavioural act that; is rigid, compelled, largely uncontrolled, reduces anxiety 
  • DSM main symptoms
    • Recurrent obsessions and compulsions  
    • Recognition that the obsessions and compulsions are excessive and unreasonable  
    • Persons distress/ impaired and daily life is disrupted 
  • behavioural characteristics
    Behavioural = how a person acts/behaves which leads to carrying out repetitive actions to reduce anxiety 
    • Compulsions -> repetitive = feel compelled to repeat a behaviour they know is irrational, reduce anxiety = compulsions performed to manage the anxiety caused by obsessions  
    • Avoidance = suffers avoid situations which trigger anxiety  
  • Emotional Characteristics
    Emotional = how a person feels when experiencing anxiety which accompanies the obsessions/compulsions 
    • Anxiety/ distress -> obsessive thoughts are unpleasant and threatening causing overwhelming anxiety, compulsion create anxiety 
    • Depression -> anxiety, low mood, lack enjoyment in activities  
    • Guilt/disgust -> guilt over being obsessed with minor issues, disgust can be directed at something external 
  • Cognitive Characteristics
    Cognitive = how a person thinks, and OCD suffers usually plagued with obsessive thoughts  
    • Obsessive thoughts -> intrusive and unpleasant  
    • Insight into excessive anxiety -> aware obsessions and compulsions are not rational, experience catastrophic thoughts about worst case scenarios, hypervigilance = maintain constant alertness and keep attention focused on hazards