A set of principles devised by the BPS to help psychologists conduct research honestly
What are ethical issues ?
A conflict between the rights of the participant and the aim of the researcher
What are ethical implications ?
the impact or consequences that research has on other people in a wider context, not just the participants
What is social sensitivity ?
Studies and theories where there are potential long term social consequences or implications, either directly for the pp or any individuals the research represents
What sieber and Stanley present ?
Defined the term social sensitivity to describe research which has indirect costs to ppd or those they represent
there are 4 elements of the research process where this can be prevented
What are the 4 elements social sensitivity can be prevented ?
The research question
the methodology used
institutional context
interpretation and application
The research question ?
Some questions are damaging
Methodology used ?
Ethical guidelines e.g confidentiality
if a pp confesses to a crime should confidentiality be maintained
Institutional context ?
Who is funding the research and how is the data going to be used
researchers need to be mindful - drug trials supported by pharmaceutical companies
Interpretation and application ?
How will the findings be interpreted or applied to the real world
could their data be used to reform policy
will the media missinterpret
milgram ?
ethical implications are positive as it helps explain why people disobey authority (within the governments best interest)
research is socially sensitive as the rains could be used to ensure people obey orders j closing those who don’t wish to follow
argued that the findings did justify the way the research was conducted as it will benefit society
Bowlby theory of attachment
contributed to the development of childcare practices, it has also encouraged the view that the women’s place is at home with the children which could make some mothers feel guilty for wanting to return to work
is socially sensitive as it could be used to coerce mothers to stay at home
Application ?
bio psychology
all benefit society despite ethical problems
Evaluation of ethical implications ?
studies underrepresent groups
many groups excluded
only know when it’s been made public
underrepresent ?
issues prompting gender sensitivity and h def standing which can reduce prejudice and encourage acceptance
Many groups excluded ?
Or misrepresented which means these groups miss out on any benefits from the research
What’s been made public ?
Hard to anticipate the consequences
way in which research aims are phrased and investigated may influence how research is interpreted