idiographic and nomothetic

Cards (8)

  • idiographic
    • comes from the Greek word 'idios' meaning own
    • focuses on an individual and yields information that is rich and in depth
    • focuses on the individual to understand behaviour
  • nomothetic
    • comes from the Greek word 'nomos' meaning law
    • studies a large number of people from which general laws can be formulated
    • studies human behaviour to formulate general principles and universal laws
  • nomothetic
    • general laws of human behaviour
    • normal distrubution
    • experiments
    • findings generalised
    • determinist and reductionist
    • classify, measure and predict behaviour
    • e.g Milgrams study of obedience and localisation of function
  • idiographic
    • self-report
    • qualitative data
    • no attempt to compare with the norm
    • unstructured interview
    • case study
    • unique self
    • subjective experiences
    • anti-scientific
    • e.g Clive Wearing
  • approaches
    A) psychodynamic
    B) humanistic
    C) cognitive
    D) behaviourist
    E) biological
  • AO3 - idiographic -strength
    P: it contributes to the nomothetic approach
    E: in-depth qualitative methods of investigation and this provides a global description of one individual - sheds light on general laws for nomothetic
    E: a single case may generate hypotheses for further study
    HM - reveals insight about normal functioning which may contribute to our overall understanding
    L: Idiographic approach may still help form scientific laws of behaviour
  • AO3 idiographic and nomothetic- strength
    P: they fit with the aims of science
    E: nomothetic research process similar to natural sciences - objectivity standardisation
    idiographic - triangulations - increases validity
    L: this suggests that both approaches raise psychology status as a science
  • AO3 nomothetic - limitation
    P: loss of understanding of the individual
    E: preoccupied with general laws prediction and control - lose the person
    E: 1% lifetime risk of developing schizophrenia - don't know what life is like for the person - subjective experience may be useful
    L: nomothetic approach may fail to relate to experience