a polypeptide chain is formed by linking together many amino acids with peptide bonds
a polypeptide chain is formed when amino acids join together by peptide bonds
lipid is made up of fatty acid chains
carbohydrate is made up of monosaccharides
fatty acid chains have hydrocarbon tails that are non-polar
polysaccharides have lots of sugar units joined together
disaccharides have twosugar units joined together
monosaccharides are simple sugars
how dipeptide formed?
dipeptide are formed by joining two amino acids in condensation reaction
how is polypeptide formed?
polpeptides are formed by condensation of manyamino acids joined by peptide bonds
give three examples of different aminoacids
name the three types of carbohydrates?
define fibrous protein
are made up of polypetide chains. structural role, long insoluble. are often structural proteins that provide strength and protection to cells and tissue.
name fibrous protein and their functions
collagen- adds stregnth to tissues
kertatin- helps form the tissue of the hair and nails and outer layer of the skin - epidermis. it helps support your skin , heal wounds and keep your nails and hair healthy.
amino sequence of fibrous sequence
repetitive with limited range of R groups
globular protein
metabolic role, functional.
amino acid sequence: is irregular and wide range of R groups
structure: spherical and are soluble in water
examples of globular
haemoglobin- transports oxygen from the lungsto the tissue and facilating the return of carbon dioxide
contain one sugar molecule and include: glucose, fructose andand glactose
soluble- dissolve in water to give sweet solution
made up by joining two or more monosaccharides molecules together in a condensation reaction reaction. this is called glycosidic bond.
are soluble in water
examples are: maltose, sucrose, lactose
disaccharides examples
glucose + glucose = maltose
glucose + fructose = sucrose
glucose + galactose = lactose
are polymers of monosaccharide monomers.
made up of many monosaccharides, joined together by condensation resction and held by glycosidic bonds
insoluble, not sweet
examples of polysaccharides
is a mixture of two polysaccharides ,amylase and amylopectin
Amylase- is an unbranched chain of glucose molecules held by 1, 4 glycosidic bonds. amylase is coiled and compact therefore stores lot of energy.
amylopectin- branched chain made up of glucose molecules joined by 1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds . it has side branches where energy is released.
key properties of starch
it is insoluble so it will not affect water potential
compact, so lots of energy can be stored
is formed from many molecules of alpha gluclose joined together by 1,4 and 1,6 glysosidic bonds
it has large amount of side branches, which means that energy can be realsed quickly
is composed od long, unbranched chains of beta glucose which are joined by glycosidic bonds
microfibrilis are strong threads which are made of long cellulose chains running parallel to one another that is joined together by hydrogen bonds forming cross linkages.
protein structure
primary structure
secondary structure
tertiary structure
primary structure
the sequence with which amino acids appear in the chain
secondary structure
either an alpha or beta pleated sheet, held in place by hydrogen bonds
tertiary structure
the precisefolding of the polypeptide chain held in place by hydrogen bonds and disulphide bonds
quaternary structure
two or more polypeptides bonded together by hydrogen bonds and disuphide bonds
protein functions
hormone production
enzyme production
source of energy
buid and maintain tissue
define lipids
are biologicalmolecules made carbon, hyrdogen, oxygen.
properties of lipids
long, nonpolar hydrocarbon tails
the molecule is hydrophobic, which means water hating
structure of lipid
lipids consists of two or three fatty acids, which are joined to a molecule of glycerol in condensation. the fatty acids have long, hydrocarbon chains
main two types of lipids
a triglycerides are lipids made up of glycerol and three fatty acids joined by ester bonds formed in condensation.
for example- fats and oils. these are used mostly as energystores as well as insulation ( under the skin) and protection