Over the last 30 years the advent of ultrasonography, endoscopy, capsule endoscopy, physiological monitoring, and axial imaging (CT and MRI) relegated the superiority of barium examinations
After barium studies, the barium may take several days to pass through the system. Patients should drink plenty of fluids and eat high fibre foods to help it pass more quickly.
Intestinal perforation, defined as a loss of continuity of the bowel wall, is a potentially devastating complication that may result from a variety of disease processes
Common causes: Trauma, Instrumentation, Inflammation, Infection, Malignancy
Intestinal perforation, defined as a loss of continuity of the bowel wall, is a potentially devastating complication that may result from a variety of disease processes
4. Oral contrast leak (if administrated) – water soluble contrast!
5. If a bowel perforation occurs due to obstruction, the perforation usually occurs at the site of maximal bowel distention and the perforation may be distant from the actual cause of the bowel obstruction
6. Liquid contents exiting the bowel may form an abscess